床前明月光 演唱:梅艳芳
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<div id="lrc" data-lrc="HuaChao LRC">HuaChao LRC</div>
var geci = [['0.00', '学习套用黑黑岁月神偷效果',10.85],
['13.00', '床前明月光poem:李白',5.85],
['20.00', '演唱:梅艳芳',2.85],
['33.00', '一首经典老歌值得回味',5.85],
['43.00', '是你吧',2.85],
['46.00', '高高挂在穹苍千年啦',4.75],
['51.00', '看尽了人世离与散',4.75],
['56.00', '多少功名似尘埃',5.70],
['62.00', '是我傻',3.80],
['66.00', '总是在寂寞夜里望',4.75],
['71.00', '你时圆时缺时迷惘',4.75],
['76.00', '彷佛告诉我生命本无常',5.70],
['82.00', '来吟一首老诗',1.90],
['84.00', '喝一杯老酒',2.85],
['87.00', '明月啊',1.90],
['89.00', '别笑我我痴',1.90],
['91.00', '别笑我狂',4.75],
['96.00', '床前明月光',4.75],
['101.00', '疑是地上霜',4.75],
['106.00', '举头望明月',4.75],
['111.00', '低头思故乡',4.75],
['116.00', '床前明月光',4.75],
['121.00', '疑是地上霜',4.75],
['126.00', '举头望明月',3.80],
['130.00', '低头思故乡',7.60],
['138.00', '',19.00],
['158.00', '是我傻',2.85],
['161.00', '总是在寂寞夜里望',3.80],
['165.00', '你时圆时缺时迷惘',4.75],
['170.00', '彷佛告诉我生命本无常',5.70],
['176.00', '来吟一首老诗',2.85],
['179.00', '喝一杯老酒',1.90],
['181.00', '明月啊',1.90],
['183.00', '让我拥抱',1.90],
['185.00', '带我遨翔',5.70],
['191.00', '床前明月光',4.75],
['196.00', '疑是地上霜',4.75],
['201.00', '举头望明月',3.80],
['205.00', '低头思故乡',5.70],
['211.00', '床前明月光',3.80],
['215.00', '疑是地上霜',4.75],
['220.00', '举头望明月',4.75],
['225.00', '低头思故乡',4.75],
['230.00', '',16.15],
['247.00', '床前明月光',4.75],
['252.00', '疑是地上霜',3.80],
['256.00', '举头望明月',4.75],
['261.00', '低头思故乡',4.75],
['266.00', '',4.5]
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<br><br><br> 好久没有上来了,今天刚学习的作业 小辣椒来了{:5_149:}{:5_140:} liumang 发表于 2024-3-4 22:23
liumang晚上好 小辣椒 发表于 2024-3-4 22:24
欣赏经典的老歌,梅艳芳的歌曲你收藏不少的 liumang 发表于 2024-3-4 22:25
你也是有许多的{:5_156:} 小辣椒 发表于 2024-3-4 22:25
老歌经典,好听,小辣椒去同一首 liumang 发表于 2024-3-4 22:26
好的,我有空就做,今天先下了,晚安{:5_121:} 小辣椒 发表于 2024-3-4 22:34